smile lines

Looking for Jesus

An old man who was the worse for drink stumbled upon a baptismal service on a Sunday afternoon down by the river. He proceeded to walk into the water and stood next to the preacher, in the way that only drunks can.
The minister noticed the old man and said, "Mister, are you ready to find Jesus?"
The drunk looked up and smiled willingly: "Yes, preacher, I sure am."
So then and there the minister dunked the old man under the water and pulled him right back up.

"Well, have you found Jesus?" the preacher asked.
"Nooo, I didn't!" said the drunk.

The preacher then dunked him under for quite a bit longer, brought him up, and said,

"Now, brother, have you found Jesus?"
"Noooo, I have not, Reverend."

The preacher, in disgust, held the man under for at least 30 seconds this time, brought him out of the water, and said in a harsh tone, "Well, my man, have you found Jesus yet?"

The old drunk, gasping for air, wiped his eyes and asked the preacher rather desperately: "Are you sure this is where he fell in?"

Musings on everyday life

Are you telling the truth when you lie in bed?
Despite the cost of living, why does it remain so popular?
If a word in a dictionary is misspelled, how would you know?
In Chinese why are the words for crisis and opportunity the same?
How can a house burn up when it burns down?
Why does X stand for a kiss?
Why does O stand for a hug?
Why is the alphabet in that order?
Why are they called stands when they're made for sitting?
Doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?
When cheese gets its picture taken what does it say?
Why are they called non-stick pans? Is there a law saying you are not allowed to put sticks in them?

As summer approaches…

"What parable in the Bible do you like best?" they asked the little boy.
That was easy. "The one about the lad that loafs and fishes."

Snob value

"Speaking of old families," said the aristocrat at the garden party, out to impress a visiting American, "one of my ancestors was present at the signing of the Magna Carta."
"And one of mine," replied the American nonchalantly, "was present at the signing of the Ten Commandments."


In this country, we pay a tremendous crime bill each year, but we do get a lot of crime for our money.
For anyone with offspring about to get their driving license…
The main thing that the ruins of ancient Egypt prove is that ancient Egyptian children insisted on having a shot at backing the chariot into the garage.
The new, hesitant young driver, waiting for traffic to clear, came to a complete stop on a motorway slip-road. The traffic thinned, but the intimidated driver still waited. Finally, an infuriated voice in a car behind yelled: "You're supposed to yield, not to give up altogether!"

As summer weddings approach....

Boy: You look like a nice sensible girl. Let's get married.
Girl. No. I'm just as nice and sensible as I look.
Friend: "What is your ideal man?"
Girl: "One who is clever enough to make lots of money and foolish enough to spend it on me!"
"May I ask the photographers not to take pictures of the wedding party during the service," said the vicar. "Wait and shoot them as they come out of the church."
"Woman without her man is helpless." (Now put a comma after 'woman' and after 'her'.)

A funny thing is love

It cometh from above, and lighteth like a dove - on some.
And some whom it hits, it nearly gives them fits,
and scatters all their wits - Oh hum! anon

And as golfers proliferate on the courses this Spring....

Golfer: I never played such a course in my life.
Caddie: Sir, you left the course twenty minutes ago. You are now in the Smith's rock garden.
As the sweet young thing said when she took her first golf lesson: "Now which club do I use for a hole-in-one?" - H.V. Prochnow

The beggar

Pedestrian: Sorry, my good man, but I just don't give money to men on the street.
Beggar: Do you expect me to open an office?

US Army

An American army private, filling out a questionnaire for a correspondence course, was stymied a bit by the question: "How long has your present employer been in business?" But after a few moment's worried thought, his eyes lit up. He wrote: "Since 1776."
Tact: The dessert was delicious. Did you buy it yourself?

A church choir director has his towels marked Hymn and Her.


A young father went to the hospital to see his new offspring. Looking through the window, he saw row upon row of new arrivals, and every one of them was crying.
"Why are they all crying?" he asked the nurse.
She replied: "If you were only a few hours old, without any clothes in the world, didn't speak the language, couldn't afford an education, were out of work and owed the government thousands on the national debt, you'd be howling, too."

Dog training

A well-meaning lady held a biscuit above a dog and commanded: "Speak, speak!"
"Why," said the dog modestly, "I hardly know what to say!"

Happy gardening!

To enjoy your garden, put on a wide hat and gloves, hold a little trowel in one hand, and tell the man where to dig.

Active Christian

My neighbour's son is very active in our local church - he squirms, wiggles, and fidgets

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